Intensify beard hair

A man's beard symbolizes many traits; Such as manhood, wisdom, authority, and leadership, as it has been considered a fashion for a while now, and many men desire a thick and thick beard as soon as he enters adolescence, however some of them may find it difficult to obtain the beard they dream of, for several Factors and causes that control the growth and density of the beard; Such as genetic causes, or due to hormones, or some health problems, or taking some medications, or belonging to a certain race, or nutrition, and we will talk in this article about the most prominent ways that help intensify the beard.

Steps and tips for thickening beard hair

These are the most important tips that will help you get a thick beard : 
  •     Leave the beard without shaving or cutting for four to six weeks, after it can be taken care of so that the beard has fully grown, so that its shape must be determined after it becomes an inch or an inch and a half at least. If the beard does not grow with the required density for two or three months, the reason may be genetic.
  • Caring for the beard and washing it using a mild wash and warm water twice a day. The beard can also be washed with a mild shampoo two or three times a week; In order to keep the beard hair clean and free of any stuck food, it is recommended to apply conditioner to the beard hair after using the shampoo to keep the hair strong and give it a thick and complete appearance.
  • Constantly massaging the beard, in order to stimulate hair growth in it, in addition to stimulating blood circulation, and facilitating the arrival of nutrients to the hair follicles to stimulate faster hair growth, and to make hair thicker.
  • Follow a healthy diet rich in nutrients necessary for hair growth, the most important of which is the protein found in oily fish, beef, and chicken, in addition to healthy saturated fats found in nuts, fish, and eggs, which boost testosterone levels necessary for a thick and healthy beard. Leafy green vegetables, such as spinach and kale, help metabolize estrogen (the female hormone) and keep your testosterone level higher.
  • stay away from foods that contain sugars; They contain no nutrients and lead to weak and brittle hair.
  • Taking biotin vitamin supplements, as it may be a quick and effective way to stimulate the growth of beard hair and improve hair health, in addition to other vitamin supplements that improve beard growth such as vitamin B1, B6, and B12, along with beta-carotene, flaxseed oil, and nettle oil .
  • Be sure to exercise constantly, from normal or moderate to intense, as this helps to get a thick beard; Because exercise stimulates the production of testosterone and improves blood circulation, which helps transport nutrients to the skin and hair through the bloodstream, it is recommended to combine cardio and muscle building exercises in your exercise routine for best results.
  • get enough sleep; This is because sleep repairs and regenerates cells, which is very necessary for the growth of healthy beard hair, and the number of healthy sleep hours ranges from seven to eight hours a day.
  • Make sure to drink plenty of water daily. Maintaining body moisture greatly helps the body’s processes to function properly; Which reflects positively on general health, in addition to expelling toxins from the body, which increases the chance of getting a healthy beard.
  • Stay away from stress and chronic stress and control it, as this greatly damages the male hormone, and leads to an increase in cortisol in the body, which may negatively affect testosterone, and stress leads to constriction of blood vessels, which leads to the arrival of a few nutrients to the roots of the hair.
  • Controlling itching that affects a man during the growth of hair on the face, it causes irritation and an increase in the desire to scratch the face frequently, especially in the first days of beard growth, and rubbing the beard may indicate that the skin under the beard is dry, and itching can be relieved by using natural oils; Coconut oil with lavender oil, tea tree oil, or hydrocortisone cream can be used to relieve itching.
  • Peeling the skin once a week; This is to remove dead skin cells, open pores, and stimulate hair growth.
  • The need to stay away from smoking, the nicotine in cigarettes impairs blood flow, which affects hair growth by impeding blood circulation, and it also reduces capillary blood flow to the hair roots, which in turn reduces the nutrients reaching the hair follicles.
  • Regular trimming of the beard, in order to remove the split ends of facial hair.

Check out somme  home recipes for beard growing 

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